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Posted October 9th 2014 (10 years ago)

Head of School for Pathology, Health Education South West

As many of you will know, earlier this year we sadly lost a dear colleague, Joe Matthew, who was Head of School for Pathology in the South West Peninsula.  Over the last couple of months I have had a number of discussions about how we can best proceed with the management of training in the Pathology specialties.  Those initial discussions took place at the last School Board for Pathology in the Peninsula and I sought the views of the TPD’s who were present at that meeting.  I have also had discussions with Dr Andrew Day, as Head of School for Pathology in Severn. 

While we have two clearly defined training programmes for Histopathology, there is already considerable overlap for Chemical Pathology and Medical Microbiology through the current Training Programme Director arrangements.  Given the relative size of both schools, which are relatively small by comparison with many of the other specialties, I have taken the decision after considerable thought and discussion to have a single School of Pathology across Health Education South West and I have asked Dr Andrew Day to extend his responsibilities accordingly.  I am sure you will all wish to join me in thanking Andrew for taking on that extended role and wish him well in the future.

However, I want to make it very clear that my intention is not to make any immediate changes to the two programmes that currently exist in Histopathology, with the two Training Programme Directors responsible for Severn and South West Peninsula.  I have asked Andrew to review the best working arrangements for Chemical Pathology and Medical Microbiology, the latter of course is going through a national restructuring as we introduce Combined Infection Training and I believe that is another good reason for forming a single school, so we can move forward with that exciting programme under united leadership.

Posted February 17th 2014 (11 years ago)

4th Annual Oxford Bone Infection Conference (OBIC)


The Oxford Bone Infection Unit

4th Annual Oxford Bone Infection Conference (OBIC)

Thursday 3rd & Friday 4th April 2014

Examination Schools, 81 High Street, Oxford, OX1 4AS

Provisional Programme & Call for Abstracts now open
Thursday 3rd April    
09.00 Registration & refreshments  
09.15 Welcome and introduction Dr Andrew Woodhouse
Session One Chair Mr Martin McNally
09.30 Infection in Orthopaedics. State of the Art Lecture
Professor Geert Walenkamp,
Department of Orthopaedics, Academic
Hospital Maastricht, Netherlands
10.10 The microbiology of orthopaedic infections  Dr Frederic Laurent, Lyon
10.40 Tea / Coffee  
Session Two Military Trauma Mini-Symposium  Chair: Mr David Stubbs
11.10 Prevention and management of infection  Professor Jason Calhoun, Ohio
11.35 The management of soft tissue injuries Mr Shehan Hettiaratchy, London
11.55 The microbiology of military injuries  Dr Martin Gill, Birmingham
Session Three Chair Mr Alex Ramsden
12.05 Debate: To Vac or not to Vac?  Mr Henk Giele (Oxford) 
Mr Steve Jeffery (Birmingham)
12.55 Lunch  
Session Four More Microbiology for Orthopaedic Surgeons  Chair: Dr Bridget Atkins
13.55 - 14.20 

What should you request from the lab in unusual cases?
What is the role of histology in these cases?
What about culture negative cases?

Dr Rob Townsend, Sheffield
14.25 - 15.25  Session Five: Case Based Workshops  
1. Update: the International Consensus on Periprosthetic Joint Infection
Mr Fares Haddad, Mr Roger Gundle, Mr Adrian Taylor, Dr Tony Berendt
2. Challenges in infected non-union
Mr Martin McNally, Mr Jason Calhoun, Dr Ivor Byren
3. Optimising microbiological diagnostics
Dr Bridget Atkins, Dr Rob Townsend, Dr Frederic Laurent
4. A virtual ward round on a Bone infection Unit
Dr Elham Khatamsaz (Registrar), Mr Alex Ramsden (Plastic Surgery),
Mr Andrew Woodhouse (Infectious Diseases), Mr David Stubbs (Orthopaedics)
15.25 Tea / Coffee  
15.55 - 16.55  Workshops Repeat  

The Cierny-Mader Lecture
To communicate excellence and innovation in the multidisciplinary management of bone and joint infection

Professor Jason Calhoun, Department of Orthopaedics;
The Ohio State University Medical Centre
17.40  Close  
Social Programme

17.55 Optional “Scenic Stroll” to Drinks Reception (depart from Examination Schools entrance)
18.30 Drinks Reception  Museum of Natural History
19.30 Conference Dinner Lincoln College  (tickets available to purchase)


17.00 The Cierny-Mader Lecture

To communicate excellence and innovation in the multidisciplinary management of bone and joint infection
Professor Jason Calhoun, Department of Orthopaedics; The Ohio State University Medical Centre
17.40 Close
Social Programme
17.55 Optional “Scenic Stroll” to Drinks Reception
(depart from Examination Schools entrance)
18.30 Drinks Reception – Museum of Natural History
19.30 Conference Dinner Lincoln College (tickets available to purchase)
Friday 4th April
07.30 Registration & breakfast
Session One: Chair: Dr Matt Scarborough
Interactive cases (Oxford presenting with expert panel)
08.00 Case 1
08.20 Case 2
08.40 Case 3
09.00 Free paper session:
10.15 Tea/Coffee
Session Two: Chair: Dr Ivor Byren
10.45 Rapid fire poster presentations
11.15 Mini-symposium: Diabetic foot osteomyelitis Dr Ben Lipsky, Geneva
Dr Javier Aragon Sanchez
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Session Three: Chair: Mr Roger Gundle
12.05 Orthopaedic Infection: the patient experience Professor Stephen George
12.35 Lunch
Session Four: Chair: Mr Roger Gundle
13.35 Antibiotics for back pain; background and UK experience Mr Peter Hamlyn, London
14.05 The surgical management of spinal infection Mr Lester Wilson, Stanmore
Session Five: Chair: Professor Ben Lipsky
14.35 Tuberculous musculoskeletal infection Dr Chris Conlon
(Infectious Diseases) Oxford
TBA (Radiology) Oxford
Prof Chris Lavy
(Orthopaedics) Oxford
15.35 Poster and oral prize presentations
Closing remarks
15.45 Coffee & Meeting close
Registration Fees One Day Both Days
Trainee Grade
Physiotherapists / Nurses
Conference Dinner (3rd April)
Online registration available at
For further information or to request a registration form please contact or telephone 01565 621967
Friday 4th April    
07.30 Registration & breakfast  
Session One Chair Dr Matt Scarborough
  Interactive Cases (Oxford presenting with expert panel)  
08.00 Case 1  
08.20 Case 2  
08.40 Case 3  
09.00 Free Paper Session  
10.15 Tea / Coffee  
Session Two Chair Dr Ivor Byren
10.45 Rapid fire poster presentations  
11.15 Mini-symposium: Diabetic foot osteomyelitis 
Dr Ben Lipsky, Geneva
Dr Javier Aragon Sanchez
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Session Three Chair Mr Roger Gundle
Orthopaedic Infection: the patient experience
Professor Stephen George
12.35 Lunch  
Session Four Chair Mr Roger Gundle
13.35 Antibiotics for back pain; background and UK experience  Mr Peter Hamlyn, London
14.05 The surgical management of spinal infection  Mr Lester Wilson, Stanmore
Session Five Chair Professor Ben Lipsky
14.35 Tuberculous musculoskeletal infection
 Dr Chris Conlon
(Infectious Diseases) Oxford
TBA (Radiology) Oxford
Prof Chris Lavy
(Orthopaedics) Oxford
Poster and oral prize presentations
Closing remarks
15.45 Coffee & Meeting close  
Registration Fees  One Day Both Days
Consultant £120.00 £230.00
Trainee Grade £65.00 £120.00
Physiotherapists / Nurses
Conference Dinner (3rd April) £50.00  
Online registration available at
For further information or to request a registration form please contact or telephone 01565 621967

Posted September 23rd 2013 (12 years ago)

Training dates and Contacts

For all Histopathology Trainees:

for all your Regional Histopathology Training days, please see the Pathkids website for full details and contacts.

Posted January 11th 2013 (12 years ago)

Basic Level Management Course for Pathologists

This course will run on 30th April 2013 from 9.30am - 5pm at Musgorve Park Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, TA1 5DA.

To book onto this course a registration form must be completed and payment made prior to the course.  Please contact for further details.

Posted September 7th 2012 (13 years ago)

RCPath President's E-newsletter

The August 2013 edition of the Royal College of Pathologists President's E-newsletter can be found by clicking here. 

Posted June 12th 2012 (13 years ago)

RCPath New Trainees Welcome Day

The Royal College of Pathologists New Trainees Welcome Day 2012 will take place on Wednesday 12th September.

Please see the RCPath website for further details.

Posted November 30th 2011 (13 years ago)

LEPT System Guidance Notes

The LEPT system is an ePortfolio for recording workplace-based assessment and multi-source feedback (MSF). It also allows you to record information about your progress in training in order to provide evidence to support the annual review of competence progression (ARCP) process. Guidance notes in the use of the LEPT system, dated November 2011, are now available on the College website.

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